i wish i could say WE wont forget, but is a false statement, because some people are trying so hard to make us forget what happened 19 years ago, trying to tell us that we should al forgive and forget, we should move on and act like brothers and sisters and be a true muslims
no can do
im sorry, but thats just.crap! now i AM a true Muslim and i DO believe in my relegion and the concept of its ethics and the philosophy of the Prophet Muhammad, but this is just wrong. there are people who suffered..witness people who suffered..forced to suffer..and STILL suffer from the invasion, some people ran off the country the minute the invasion happened, and those people claimed that they done so because they wanted to help kuwait on the international scale, that = CRAP! the perfect excuse for a real-life cowards, some DID help kuwait and some helped themselves, i am not claiming that the entire iraqi people is an enemy to remember, yet im declaring that most of em, even the civilized ones truely BELIEVE that kuwait belongs to them, even the educated ones.
so im gonna write a two or three part post about the invasion in the coming days inshallah, so i could say WE wont forget instead of *I* wont forget again..
till next time
I totally agree with you, even though i wasn't born during that dark time.
They still teach the student in their books that Kuwait belongs to them!
3ala rasy ya boSh'hab 3ala rasy min fog!!
Gothygeekah: its a bless that you werent born, trust me
Nameless: 7abeeb, wallah 7abeeb o5oy
We Won't forgot
Becuase it's one of our darkest day in our history & life
Of curse there words won't erase it from our minds and hearts & I tottaly agree with you becuase all of the deaths & the others going missing do they expect us to just close our eyes & pretend to be just human but the true human & Muslim won't forgot the ones that Sacrifice there lifes to just let the people her see the light of liberty again and don't let us forget those families who never ever saw there brothers & and sisters again
aalaa: well said and nicely quoted sis :)
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