The Master Plan

resuming from where we stopped..
so the united states had one solution, take out the shah! but how? now we dont want to do the same mistake with the kennedies, replace a threat with something similar, no, we need to extract it completely, assassination? no too public and god knows how many times he dodged that, infiltrate the shah family? impossible because their loyalty is beyond question and they all basically goes with his principles, so what to do? plan a FAKE revolution, use the MINORITY in Iran against him (minority that the fact that there was ONLY 10% of the Iranian people against him, he had the support of the remaining 90%) so whether people liked it or not, the fact is, the united states government STAGED the whole thing, who supported Khomeini while he was in exile? why did Khomeini go to France? why did the so called ISLAMIC revolution started in a NON-ISLAMIC country like France and failed to start in Iraq/Turkey? nobody know for a fact what happened in France, i myself believe that France was the real beginning for the revolution blessings from US Government and France and Israel. one of the strongest points in Khomeini's Revolutions was the fact that he declared the shah an Allie for USA and ISRAEL, he repeatedly declared his hatred and refusal to Israel Acts promising to do his utmost to change that..etc
now, while the MINORITY was pushing on the shah to leave, his pride didnt allow him to stay, his mistake was that he left for a vacation which he never returned, allowing Khomaini to enter Iran as a Hero from the Exile for a CHANGE, declaring Iran as an Islamic republic *wallah inta ma t3arf shno il islam min il mingash* and so, the united states had finally won by PLACING HER MAN INTO POWER, ironically, the SO-CALLED-ALLIE-WITH-SHAH US is the ONLY country who refused to help the shah in his exile
so PLAN A begun, whats next? now, the ANTI-ISRAEL Khomeini SUDDENLY, no wait a second, il let it ring, SUDDENLY.....
forgot his goals towards Israel and declared that the Arabic gulf Countries (Kuwait, KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar) as a disgrace on Islam and not an Islamic countries and in need of a new islamic revolution! so he declared the gulf as his enemies, and so started the STAGED Iraq-Iran when Saddam entered the Iranian Soils to invade Iran fearing an influential Revolution start from the majority of Shia in Iraq as it happened in Iran, for 8 years, the war was on, and for 8 years the United states government tried to persuade Kuwait to establish an American military base on one of its islands, but the Late Shaikh Jaber Al-Sabah always declared no, stating that the Iran and iraq and the remaining countries are brothers and no need for an outsider, ofcourse we all know how DESPERATELY the united states wanted to stay as close as possible to Israel..and the soviet union. and so the gulf countries supported Iraq against the Iranian-in-public-but-American-in-real-life regime, but that didn't work, the war was going nowhere, so in 1988, the war stopped, and PLAN B initiated.
Questions only a fool ignore the answer:
1- why did Khomeini declare the ISLAMIC gulf countries as enemies?
2- why did Khomeini forgot Israel and never made a single move against the ENEMY as he stated so many times?
3- since Saddam stated that his Iranian invasion was to protect his government, fearing another influential revolution to happen, why did it take a year for him to realize that?
4- why did the Iranian-Iraq war stopped all of a sudden and IMMEDIATELY afterward Saddam stated that he wanted to reopen the Border-Depute files with Kuwait?
5- WHO gave Khomeini and Saddam their orders? :D
til next part inshallah.

resuming from where we stopped..
so the united states had one solution, take out the shah! but how? now we dont want to do the same mistake with the kennedies, replace a threat with something similar, no, we need to extract it completely, assassination? no too public and god knows how many times he dodged that, infiltrate the shah family? impossible because their loyalty is beyond question and they all basically goes with his principles, so what to do? plan a FAKE revolution, use the MINORITY in Iran against him (minority that the fact that there was ONLY 10% of the Iranian people against him, he had the support of the remaining 90%) so whether people liked it or not, the fact is, the united states government STAGED the whole thing, who supported Khomeini while he was in exile? why did Khomeini go to France? why did the so called ISLAMIC revolution started in a NON-ISLAMIC country like France and failed to start in Iraq/Turkey? nobody know for a fact what happened in France, i myself believe that France was the real beginning for the revolution blessings from US Government and France and Israel. one of the strongest points in Khomeini's Revolutions was the fact that he declared the shah an Allie for USA and ISRAEL, he repeatedly declared his hatred and refusal to Israel Acts promising to do his utmost to change that..etc
now, while the MINORITY was pushing on the shah to leave, his pride didnt allow him to stay, his mistake was that he left for a vacation which he never returned, allowing Khomaini to enter Iran as a Hero from the Exile for a CHANGE, declaring Iran as an Islamic republic *wallah inta ma t3arf shno il islam min il mingash* and so, the united states had finally won by PLACING HER MAN INTO POWER, ironically, the SO-CALLED-ALLIE-WITH-SHAH US is the ONLY country who refused to help the shah in his exile
so PLAN A begun, whats next? now, the ANTI-ISRAEL Khomeini SUDDENLY, no wait a second, il let it ring, SUDDENLY.....
forgot his goals towards Israel and declared that the Arabic gulf Countries (Kuwait, KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar) as a disgrace on Islam and not an Islamic countries and in need of a new islamic revolution! so he declared the gulf as his enemies, and so started the STAGED Iraq-Iran when Saddam entered the Iranian Soils to invade Iran fearing an influential Revolution start from the majority of Shia in Iraq as it happened in Iran, for 8 years, the war was on, and for 8 years the United states government tried to persuade Kuwait to establish an American military base on one of its islands, but the Late Shaikh Jaber Al-Sabah always declared no, stating that the Iran and iraq and the remaining countries are brothers and no need for an outsider, ofcourse we all know how DESPERATELY the united states wanted to stay as close as possible to Israel..and the soviet union. and so the gulf countries supported Iraq against the Iranian-in-public-but-American-in-real-life regime, but that didn't work, the war was going nowhere, so in 1988, the war stopped, and PLAN B initiated.
Questions only a fool ignore the answer:
1- why did Khomeini declare the ISLAMIC gulf countries as enemies?
2- why did Khomeini forgot Israel and never made a single move against the ENEMY as he stated so many times?
3- since Saddam stated that his Iranian invasion was to protect his government, fearing another influential revolution to happen, why did it take a year for him to realize that?
4- why did the Iranian-Iraq war stopped all of a sudden and IMMEDIATELY afterward Saddam stated that he wanted to reopen the Border-Depute files with Kuwait?
5- WHO gave Khomeini and Saddam their orders? :D
til next part inshallah.
3afarim 3alaik,
very well said
inzain hny ana bas'lik, tshrah 3ala mno bilthab6? il3aqil ilmodabir wila il7awash ely 6a3o?
3afarim 3alaik,
very well said
inzain hny ana bas'lik, tshrah 3ala mno bilthab6? il3aqil ilmodabir wila il7awash ely 6a3o?
nameless: on both, they both have common interests in the whole scam, especially the US government, but the problem is that people always think of Iran and Iraq governments as brothers in arms and forget their true intentions.
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