The: Great Puppeteer

Question, how do you pull the strings on a man whose in alliance with the world?
answer: you dont, you ELIMINATE HIM!
let me introduce myself, my name is The United States GOVERNMENT *NOT THE PEOPLE! i have many friends and once and for all, the American people is NOT the American government*, and im greedy as hell and in the process of a world domination but in SLOW_MOTION, some people say that im a huge and essential part of the Masonic Organization (so what if George Bush stopped all the Masonic/Illuminati investigations all of a sudden and burned all the files when he was the head of the C.I.A.?) and some say that were bieng controled by the elders of the few remaining True Zionest *NOT JEWS! Zionism, theres a DECENT % of the jews out there who doesnt agree with zionsm, but lets not forget the other half as well :S) which is basicly true due to some of our major and PUBLIC supporters (Starbucks, McDonalds, Dell..etc) so as everybody knows, im trying to spread as much as i can around the world to be the one and true final powerhouse in the world (eat that, USSR!) everything was smooth and beautiful, but we encountered two major problems, one: JFK and two: the Shah of Iran, whats up with the Kennedies? didnt they know that a peaceful world and focusing on building a better education system in the country is a myth? damn those righteous people, now i HAD to eliminate them BOTH, Bobby and John, what choice did i have? either we let john take over and ruin the entire plans and no more funding for the CIA Black-Ops programs and cut the Department of Defence Funding and focus mainly on the Science structure in America, the education system, HealthCare, and lets not forget his beloved NASA. someone had to step in, so dont blame me is i tried to salvage whatever left of our legacy and resume our plans in world Domination, sorry Kennedy, no hard feelings, but u kinda forgot that we play it..dirty, my dear boy Scout
as for the MAJOR Problem, the Shah of Iran, that was a dellima, how can i intemidate and squezz the arm of a fearless man who UNFOURTUNATELY was an allie for UK, China, Korea, USSR, and yours truly, The United states, now, he focused on everything, on devoleping a high-tech arsenal and prepare an army in case of an invasion, thats why he had french and Americans General in his Army, we traded weapons on a large scale til that damned little thing called: WaterGate, he started to study plans for initiating a military strike on Israel during the egyptian/Israely war, that arrogant son of a..! and you know what he publicly stated to me when i asked him if there was a possibility to establish a US Military Base in the Arabian Gulf? he said: we do not need an outsider, im here and Im the Island's Lion
now that made us pissed, so we started to investigating, trying to get form a plan that would allow us to have our own presence in the Reign, u will find out how in the next part inshallah
ive introduced you to the Puppeteer, il show you how the puppeteer works in my next post inshallah.
til next time
answer: you dont, you ELIMINATE HIM!
let me introduce myself, my name is The United States GOVERNMENT *NOT THE PEOPLE! i have many friends and once and for all, the American people is NOT the American government*, and im greedy as hell and in the process of a world domination but in SLOW_MOTION, some people say that im a huge and essential part of the Masonic Organization (so what if George Bush stopped all the Masonic/Illuminati investigations all of a sudden and burned all the files when he was the head of the C.I.A.?) and some say that were bieng controled by the elders of the few remaining True Zionest *NOT JEWS! Zionism, theres a DECENT % of the jews out there who doesnt agree with zionsm, but lets not forget the other half as well :S) which is basicly true due to some of our major and PUBLIC supporters (Starbucks, McDonalds, Dell..etc) so as everybody knows, im trying to spread as much as i can around the world to be the one and true final powerhouse in the world (eat that, USSR!) everything was smooth and beautiful, but we encountered two major problems, one: JFK and two: the Shah of Iran, whats up with the Kennedies? didnt they know that a peaceful world and focusing on building a better education system in the country is a myth? damn those righteous people, now i HAD to eliminate them BOTH, Bobby and John, what choice did i have? either we let john take over and ruin the entire plans and no more funding for the CIA Black-Ops programs and cut the Department of Defence Funding and focus mainly on the Science structure in America, the education system, HealthCare, and lets not forget his beloved NASA. someone had to step in, so dont blame me is i tried to salvage whatever left of our legacy and resume our plans in world Domination, sorry Kennedy, no hard feelings, but u kinda forgot that we play it..dirty, my dear boy Scout
as for the MAJOR Problem, the Shah of Iran, that was a dellima, how can i intemidate and squezz the arm of a fearless man who UNFOURTUNATELY was an allie for UK, China, Korea, USSR, and yours truly, The United states, now, he focused on everything, on devoleping a high-tech arsenal and prepare an army in case of an invasion, thats why he had french and Americans General in his Army, we traded weapons on a large scale til that damned little thing called: WaterGate, he started to study plans for initiating a military strike on Israel during the egyptian/Israely war, that arrogant son of a..! and you know what he publicly stated to me when i asked him if there was a possibility to establish a US Military Base in the Arabian Gulf? he said: we do not need an outsider, im here and Im the Island's Lion
now that made us pissed, so we started to investigating, trying to get form a plan that would allow us to have our own presence in the Reign, u will find out how in the next part inshallah
ive introduced you to the Puppeteer, il show you how the puppeteer works in my next post inshallah.
til next time
yon9ir denik!
ma7ad fahim ildinya 9a7 ghairk,
yslamly keyboardik!
wtf r ya tawkin abowt:\
Nameless: thanks bro, deeply appreciated :)
Anonymous: im talking about season 4 of EUREKA :\
its just politics and personal opinion with basic facts
tara na6ren part two 3ala a7ar min iljamir, 3indy mola7athat widy anaqshik feiha, bas aby ashof part two
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