Sunday, 30 August 2009

the Trial

Good morning, The Worm, Your Honor,

The Crown will plainly show,
The prisoner who now stands before you,
Was caught red-handed showing feelings.
Showing feelings of an almost human nature.
This will not do.
Call the schoolmaster!
I always said he'd come to no good,
In the end, Your Honour.
If they'd let me have my way,
I could have flayed him into shape.
But my hands were tied.The bleeding hearts and artists,
Let him get away with murder.
Let me hammer him today.

Toys in the attic, I am crazy.
Truly gone fishing.
They must have taken my marbles away.
Crazy.Toys in the attic, he is crazy.

You little shit, you're in it now.
I hope they throw away the key.
You should've talked to me more often than you did.
But no! You had to go your own way.
Have you broken any homes up lately?
Just five minutes, Worm, Your Honour,
Him and me alone.Baaaaaabe!
Come to Mother, baby.
Let me hold you in my arms.
M'Lord, I never meant for him to get in any trouble.
Why'd he ever have to leave me?
Worm, Your Honour, let me take him home.

Over the rainbow, I am crazy.
Bars in the window.
There must have been a door there in the wall.
For when I came in.
Over the rainbow, he is crazy.


theres always a time to change.

Monday, 10 August 2009

For Kuwait (PT 3: Checkmate)


after the war between Iraq and Iran stopped, Saddam *as all Iraqis* went back to the old Iraqi habbit of declaring that some of the Kuwaiti soils belongs to Iraq and he asked to reopen the negotiation regarding the joint borders of the two countries, as always, shaikh Jaber declined his request, after a long series of what we call *shad w mad* Saddam GOT his order to deploy his army across the Kuwaiti borders and stand by, that was the original plan, that he deploy his troops across the Kuwaiti borders and stand by for an order from the American government, but in the morning of august 2nd 1990, he initiated his own plan and his troops started invading kuwait it took them only hours til they spread in 70% of the country, and kuwait was OFF-COMMUNICATION with the world for 7 months til the NATO and UN and the US Government started the Desert Shield/Fox in February 1991 out-throwing the Iraqi regime from the Kuwaiti soils once and for all, now, during the Desert Fox operations, when the Americans reached Baghdad, they had their intels which stated that Saddam was in one of his Castles in Baghdad, and so forth they had a VISUAL on the Castle, do you know what the American Government asked them to do after they CORNERED Saddam? one word which ranged the ear of men like General Norman *Norman Stormin the bear* Schwarzkopf for years ahead feeling betrayed for a greater agenda by his government, that one word was: Retreat.



why retreat after cornering the enemy in sight, it could all end at that night, no more threats in the gulf or anything whatsoever, but no, Retreat and no question asked, why retreat? so Saddam could stay in power as a Puppet for the GREAT PUPPETEER to play with, scaring the surrounded countries, and when that happen, they will ask for a worthy protection *due to the fact that the Gulf Countries are way behind in Defense/Military compared to Iraq* so SINCE the Americans are ALREADY in the region, why not ask them?

hey sport, remember that offer i made you about establishing an American base on one of your island? well its been canceled, now you have to PAY to keep me here WHEREVER i want, or else the big bad wolf will be howling all night and look for his lily..again :D

so it happened, the US government established their BASES on Kuwaiti soils AND their getting PAID for it as well, a dirty played game which we were not ready for, we weren't qualified for, we didn't think that a life-long neighbor like Iraq will be bought with money, the thing is, the first country who congratulated Saddam on his invasion was PALESTINE, i wonder what more could those people want from kuwait, and the problem is that during the invasion, the number ONE beneficial people in kuwait were the Palestinians, they throw the Kuwaitis out of their houses and took over *just like they did to our neighbor in salwa on Masjid AL-AQSA St* and many more Kuwaitis, and they told the Iraqis of the whereabouts of almost all the high profile people in kuwait *but MASHALLAH a great deal of em just...FLEW abroad the minute the invasion happened, if you catch what i mean, patriots, said man who flew over the cuckoos nest* and so forth and so forth *screw you and your hateful full-of-grudge hearts Palestinians, its my PERSONAL OPINION and i can say what i want*

during the invasion..

the Iraqi soldiers raped women, killed men, captured children, they tortured the Kuwaiti prisoners, stole almost everything they could get their hands on, from a 10-VOLT fuse to CARS to an ENTIRE house, they captured innocent Kuwaitis which never returned, almost all of em were found dead after the fall of Saddam's regime,

after the invasion..

some assholes like the Egyptians actors who visited Iraq back in 1996 *i forgot their names, which is a good thing* claimed that there were no Prisoners whatsoever, now, they are Actors, not UN investigates, exactly how much did Saddam pay you to say that? assholes..

and we've seen so many times the Palestine people raise Saddam's picture in the street and burning the Kuwaiti flags *who do you think is helping you you stupid sheeps?!*

we've seen how compassionate most of the Arabs were with Iraq's people's suffering and blaming kuwait for it, forgetting what Iraq caused to the Kuwaiti people during the invasion, everything happens in iraq is kuwait;s fault, that was the general concept, this is what happens in a world where MEDIA controls the truth, thank god for the few intellectuals living among us today

final words
in a world controlled by media, there are facts out there, everything is being covered so tightly, covered to tight that there will be a time where LIE will become the new TRUE, im saddened by the people who ignore what happened, people who got carried away by the world around them and their sole care is thinking of what to buy and how to get it and where to go..etc, forgetting their history, their origins, every 100 person theres at least 1 person whose is familiar with the world around him/her, those are the people who carry the legacy of history, the barriers of truth, i hope one day the numbers become opposite, to the best

i wont forget what happened 19 years ago and SO SHOULD YOU! at least respect the memory of the people who died defending kuwait, defending YOUR principals, defending your LEGACY, YOUR FUTURE! and this is how we honor them, by forgive and forget, by saying: its ok, were brothers, its in the past..etc, Iraq is not our neighbor, and we are not brothers, we are ARCH-enemies!, yes we are, history say it, they say it, they did it, so accept it.

and so, its checkmate for this battle, congratulations my dear American Government, but remember, a day will come.

the whole post is dedicated to all our martyrs who died defending kuwait.

Ode to you, true Kuwaitis.

ps: once again, remember, the American people and soldiers are NOT to blame, its the government's plan, not theirs, and i do stand by everything i said, its my opinion.



Wednesday, 5 August 2009

for Kuwait (PT 2)

The Master Plan

resuming from where we stopped..

so the united states had one solution, take out the shah! but how? now we dont want to do the same mistake with the kennedies, replace a threat with something similar, no, we need to extract it completely, assassination? no too public and god knows how many times he dodged that, infiltrate the shah family? impossible because their loyalty is beyond question and they all basically goes with his principles, so what to do? plan a FAKE revolution, use the MINORITY in Iran against him (minority that the fact that there was ONLY 10% of the Iranian people against him, he had the support of the remaining 90%) so whether people liked it or not, the fact is, the united states government STAGED the whole thing, who supported Khomeini while he was in exile? why did Khomeini go to France? why did the so called ISLAMIC revolution started in a NON-ISLAMIC country like France and failed to start in Iraq/Turkey? nobody know for a fact what happened in France, i myself believe that France was the real beginning for the revolution blessings from US Government and France and Israel. one of the strongest points in Khomeini's Revolutions was the fact that he declared the shah an Allie for USA and ISRAEL, he repeatedly declared his hatred and refusal to Israel Acts promising to do his utmost to change that..etc

now, while the MINORITY was pushing on the shah to leave, his pride didnt allow him to stay, his mistake was that he left for a vacation which he never returned, allowing Khomaini to enter Iran as a Hero from the Exile for a CHANGE, declaring Iran as an Islamic republic *wallah inta ma t3arf shno il islam min il mingash* and so, the united states had finally won by PLACING HER MAN INTO POWER, ironically, the SO-CALLED-ALLIE-WITH-SHAH US is the ONLY country who refused to help the shah in his exile

so PLAN A begun, whats next? now, the ANTI-ISRAEL Khomeini SUDDENLY, no wait a second, il let it ring, SUDDENLY.....



forgot his goals towards Israel and declared that the Arabic gulf Countries (Kuwait, KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar) as a disgrace on Islam and not an Islamic countries and in need of a new islamic revolution! so he declared the gulf as his enemies, and so started the STAGED Iraq-Iran when Saddam entered the Iranian Soils to invade Iran fearing an influential Revolution start from the majority of Shia in Iraq as it happened in Iran, for 8 years, the war was on, and for 8 years the United states government tried to persuade Kuwait to establish an American military base on one of its islands, but the Late Shaikh Jaber Al-Sabah always declared no, stating that the Iran and iraq and the remaining countries are brothers and no need for an outsider, ofcourse we all know how DESPERATELY the united states wanted to stay as close as possible to Israel..and the soviet union. and so the gulf countries supported Iraq against the Iranian-in-public-but-American-in-real-life regime, but that didn't work, the war was going nowhere, so in 1988, the war stopped, and PLAN B initiated.

Questions only a fool ignore the answer:

1- why did Khomeini declare the ISLAMIC gulf countries as enemies?
2- why did Khomeini forgot Israel and never made a single move against the ENEMY as he stated so many times?

3- since Saddam stated that his Iranian invasion was to protect his government, fearing another influential revolution to happen, why did it take a year for him to realize that?

4- why did the Iranian-Iraq war stopped all of a sudden and IMMEDIATELY afterward Saddam stated that he wanted to reopen the Border-Depute files with Kuwait?

5- WHO gave Khomeini and Saddam their orders? :D

til next part inshallah.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

for Kuwait (Part 1: The Great Puppeteer)

The: Great Puppeteer

Question, how do you pull the strings on a man whose in alliance with the world?
answer: you dont, you ELIMINATE HIM!

let me introduce myself, my name is The United States GOVERNMENT *NOT THE PEOPLE! i have many friends and once and for all, the American people is NOT the American government*, and im greedy as hell and in the process of a world domination but in SLOW_MOTION, some people say that im a huge and essential part of the Masonic Organization (so what if George Bush stopped all the Masonic/Illuminati investigations all of a sudden and burned all the files when he was the head of the C.I.A.?) and some say that were bieng controled by the elders of the few remaining True Zionest *NOT JEWS! Zionism, theres a DECENT % of the jews out there who doesnt agree with zionsm, but lets not forget the other half as well :S) which is basicly true due to some of our major and PUBLIC supporters (Starbucks, McDonalds, Dell..etc) so as everybody knows, im trying to spread as much as i can around the world to be the one and true final powerhouse in the world (eat that, USSR!) everything was smooth and beautiful, but we encountered two major problems, one: JFK and two: the Shah of Iran, whats up with the Kennedies? didnt they know that a peaceful world and focusing on building a better education system in the country is a myth? damn those righteous people, now i HAD to eliminate them BOTH, Bobby and John, what choice did i have? either we let john take over and ruin the entire plans and no more funding for the CIA Black-Ops programs and cut the Department of Defence Funding and focus mainly on the Science structure in America, the education system, HealthCare, and lets not forget his beloved NASA. someone had to step in, so dont blame me is i tried to salvage whatever left of our legacy and resume our plans in world Domination, sorry Kennedy, no hard feelings, but u kinda forgot that we play it..dirty, my dear boy Scout

as for the MAJOR Problem, the Shah of Iran, that was a dellima, how can i intemidate and squezz the arm of a fearless man who UNFOURTUNATELY was an allie for UK, China, Korea, USSR, and yours truly, The United states, now, he focused on everything, on devoleping a high-tech arsenal and prepare an army in case of an invasion, thats why he had french and Americans General in his Army, we traded weapons on a large scale til that damned little thing called: WaterGate, he started to study plans for initiating a military strike on Israel during the egyptian/Israely war, that arrogant son of a..! and you know what he publicly stated to me when i asked him if there was a possibility to establish a US Military Base in the Arabian Gulf? he said: we do not need an outsider, im here and Im the Island's Lion

now that made us pissed, so we started to investigating, trying to get form a plan that would allow us to have our own presence in the Reign, u will find out how in the next part inshallah

ive introduced you to the Puppeteer, il show you how the puppeteer works in my next post inshallah.

til next time


*I* wont forget

i wish i could say WE wont forget, but is a false statement, because some people are trying so hard to make us forget what happened 19 years ago, trying to tell us that we should al forgive and forget, we should move on and act like brothers and sisters and be a true muslims

no can do

im sorry, but thats just.crap! now i AM a true Muslim and i DO believe in my relegion and the concept of its ethics and the philosophy of the Prophet Muhammad, but this is just wrong. there are people who suffered..witness people who suffered..forced to suffer..and STILL suffer from the invasion, some people ran off the country the minute the invasion happened, and those people claimed that they done so because they wanted to help kuwait on the international scale, that = CRAP! the perfect excuse for a real-life cowards, some DID help kuwait and some helped themselves, i am not claiming that the entire iraqi people is an enemy to remember, yet im declaring that most of em, even the civilized ones truely BELIEVE that kuwait belongs to them, even the educated ones.

so im gonna write a two or three part post about the invasion in the coming days inshallah, so i could say WE wont forget instead of *I* wont forget again..

till next time