
after the war between Iraq and Iran stopped, Saddam *as all Iraqis* went back to the old Iraqi habbit of declaring that some of the Kuwaiti soils belongs to Iraq and he asked to reopen the negotiation regarding the joint borders of the two countries, as always, shaikh Jaber declined his request, after a long series of what we call *shad w mad* Saddam GOT his order to deploy his army across the Kuwaiti borders and stand by, that was the original plan, that he deploy his troops across the Kuwaiti borders and stand by for an order from the American government, but in the morning of august 2nd 1990, he initiated his own plan and his troops started invading kuwait it took them only hours til they spread in 70% of the country, and kuwait was OFF-COMMUNICATION with the world for 7 months til the NATO and UN and the US Government started the Desert Shield/Fox in February 1991 out-throwing the Iraqi regime from the Kuwaiti soils once and for all, now, during the Desert Fox operations, when the Americans reached Baghdad, they had their intels which stated that Saddam was in one of his Castles in Baghdad, and so forth they had a VISUAL on the Castle, do you know what the American Government asked them to do after they CORNERED Saddam? one word which ranged the ear of men like General Norman *Norman Stormin the bear* Schwarzkopf for years ahead feeling betrayed for a greater agenda by his government, that one word was: Retreat.
why retreat after cornering the enemy in sight, it could all end at that night, no more threats in the gulf or anything whatsoever, but no, Retreat and no question asked, why retreat? so Saddam could stay in power as a Puppet for the GREAT PUPPETEER to play with, scaring the surrounded countries, and when that happen, they will ask for a worthy protection *due to the fact that the Gulf Countries are way behind in Defense/Military compared to Iraq* so SINCE the Americans are ALREADY in the region, why not ask them?
hey sport, remember that offer i made you about establishing an American base on one of your island? well its been canceled, now you have to PAY to keep me here WHEREVER i want, or else the big bad wolf will be howling all night and look for his lily..again :D
so it happened, the US government established their BASES on Kuwaiti soils AND their getting PAID for it as well, a dirty played game which we were not ready for, we weren't qualified for, we didn't think that a life-long neighbor like Iraq will be bought with money, the thing is, the first country who congratulated Saddam on his invasion was PALESTINE, i wonder what more could those people want from kuwait, and the problem is that during the invasion, the number ONE beneficial people in kuwait were the Palestinians, they throw the Kuwaitis out of their houses and took over *just like they did to our neighbor in salwa on Masjid AL-AQSA St* and many more Kuwaitis, and they told the Iraqis of the whereabouts of almost all the high profile people in kuwait *but MASHALLAH a great deal of em just...FLEW abroad the minute the invasion happened, if you catch what i mean, patriots, said man who flew over the cuckoos nest* and so forth and so forth *screw you and your hateful full-of-grudge hearts Palestinians, its my PERSONAL OPINION and i can say what i want*
during the invasion..
the Iraqi soldiers raped women, killed men, captured children, they tortured the Kuwaiti prisoners, stole almost everything they could get their hands on, from a 10-VOLT fuse to CARS to an ENTIRE house, they captured innocent Kuwaitis which never returned, almost all of em were found dead after the fall of Saddam's regime,
after the invasion..
some assholes like the Egyptians actors who visited Iraq back in 1996 *i forgot their names, which is a good thing* claimed that there were no Prisoners whatsoever, now, they are Actors, not UN investigates, exactly how much did Saddam pay you to say that? assholes..
and we've seen so many times the Palestine people raise Saddam's picture in the street and burning the Kuwaiti flags *who do you think is helping you you stupid sheeps?!*
we've seen how compassionate most of the Arabs were with Iraq's people's suffering and blaming kuwait for it, forgetting what Iraq caused to the Kuwaiti people during the invasion, everything happens in iraq is kuwait;s fault, that was the general concept, this is what happens in a world where MEDIA controls the truth, thank god for the few intellectuals living among us today
final words
in a world controlled by media, there are facts out there, everything is being covered so tightly, covered to tight that there will be a time where LIE will become the new TRUE, im saddened by the people who ignore what happened, people who got carried away by the world around them and their sole care is thinking of what to buy and how to get it and where to go..etc, forgetting their history, their origins, every 100 person theres at least 1 person whose is familiar with the world around him/her, those are the people who carry the legacy of history, the barriers of truth, i hope one day the numbers become opposite, to the besti wont forget what happened 19 years ago and SO SHOULD YOU! at least respect the memory of the people who died defending kuwait, defending YOUR principals, defending your LEGACY, YOUR FUTURE! and this is how we honor them, by forgive and forget, by saying: its ok, were brothers, its in the past..etc, Iraq is not our neighbor, and we are not brothers, we are ARCH-enemies!, yes we are, history say it, they say it, they did it, so accept it.
and so, its checkmate for this battle, congratulations my dear American Government, but remember, a day will come.
the whole post is dedicated to all our martyrs who died defending kuwait.
Ode to you, true Kuwaitis.
ps: once again, remember, the American people and soldiers are NOT to blame, its the government's plan, not theirs, and i do stand by everything i said, its my opinion.