ok, not many get the opportunity to read a book thats so insightful as George Orwell's 1984
the book tells a story about a futuristic communism world, to be precised, the story is in a futuristic London, where humans are not allowed to think, feel or even speak, where Privacy is a long told myth which doesn't exist. a man fells in love *which is forbidden* and he is being caught between living this Perfectly staged life by the government and society or be start to go with his feelings.
man against the world, a definition of craziness, what is crazy? what is different? when the majourity do something and the minority do something else? swimming against the tide has always been taken as a step in the wrong direction, sometimes we need to get out of the familiar in order to achieve whats unique
an inspiration book never the less, rate: simply the best there is.
war is peace
ignorance is strength
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength
freedom is slavery
this is a Radiohead song inspired by the book *i love that song*
seems very interesting,
mawjod bilkwt wila lazm a6lba?
sounds like an interesting, gripping book... gonna add it to my list.
nameless: i think its availble, ba3ad if they ban this then its ashkara fotha *which i cant blame them for banning it, it Is the rebel's black book* try getting the PINGUIN Edition in case you wanna order :)
GothyGeeka: you do that and tell me what you think about it.
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