ahh why do i have to notice everything around me? well this issue is hardly transparent, its the racism tie in the world, as far as History mentioned, racism was between several cultures, origins..etc the idea alone disgust me, lets go back to the ORIGINAL sources, like the first people who started the whole Definition acts which led to what we called RACISM, so if we thought about it, we'll find that some guy/woman in sometime in history thought that he was too good and better than others in god knows what, ego-maniac if i might say, that was prior to dawn
i wanna talk about OUR LOCAL racism, its not color or anything like that, psshhh no, its Origins and Society Status, yep, thats right, got no ferrari or airplane? then your not a human, your not a local? then your definately an animal..etc, intresting how people go on a pattern so long that they tend to forget what Human originaly means, what equality means, that once upon a time we were all the children of one man and one woman, how simple was life back then? i wonder when will our conciouse be awaken to realize that this, the whole shibang..etc is a Temporarily life and a mere Test for the Other life, what were doing in few years will haunt us back to eternities, what we plant in minutes, will grew for a lifetime, in the end, what we leave behind is a memory of who we were, what we did, how we were.
Change, is the magic word were looking for.
its already hunting us right now, 3ayazna we7na ngol إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ bas 3amik a9makh, ilmoshkila enhom lail7ein mo ga3den yshofonha moshkila, fahim 3alay?
ilsalfa ga3da t'athir 3ala syasat balad, ga3da t'athir 3ala fikir ajyal kamla, lakin lilasaf la 7yat lman tonady, wila hal balawy ely e7na feiha, law trd 7ag a9il ilmawtho3 wilsbab ilra'esy btlagy ena il3on9rya kan laha dor kber etha mo asasy fei tarady il7al ilyom bilkwt, min ilmajlis ela iltawthef ela ilwa96a, kilha tindrij ta7at mosama wa7d "3on9orya",
9arat yakhok il3on9orya mo bas 6abaqya aw qbalya aw f'awya, 9arat 3on9orya fikrya! ilmawtho3 chayd o chayd 7ail, bas the good thing is ena fei 7amlat shababya bdaw fei akhith ilmawtho3 bshakil jady minhom علشان الكويت o بنغيّر o ghairhom kither min ilshabab ilwa3y, bas mithil ma tfathalt ilsalfa yabeilha wagfa 9arma lil7ad min hal mawtho3 w'ela binthe3,
3moman sam7eny yakhoy 6awalt 3alaik bas mithil ma gitlik ilmawtho3 momhim o ystahil
ya36ek alf 3afya 3ala hal post o kathar alh min amthalik
read these in your own time,
Dear Us,
كَمَا تَكُونُوا يُولَّى عَـلَيْكُم
PS: click on the bolded "m" to view
la walaw, my blog is a Democratic blog, everybody is free to say what they want, w ya36eek il 3afya 3la ta3leeqik il mohim ya o5oy :)
The sad thing is that racism is everywhere. Some may witness it first hand and some may watch it happening and just stand by while not trying to stop the situation before them, and the rest are completely ignorant of the situation.And I agree that it doesn't boil down to colour but culture and societal values, etc that are so misunderstood.
I have had first hand experience with racism, around the world in places like UK, Europe, ETC. and it is almost always about colour, but as you get to the middle east, Kuwait to be precise (first hand experience there as well!), there's heaps of 'staring a person down', not only trying, but succeeding in making them feel like there's something wrong with them. From a female perspective, if u don't dress well even to go to Sultan Center or something, you WILL get stared at by all the Kuwaiti/Arab women who have too much money and time on their hands that all they do all day is put heaps of gunk on their face, dress up as tho they are going to a cocktail party and shop till they drop or eat out till they become FAT. and even then they will look at all the expatriates like we are scum all the while not even appreciating that with our help the workforce is strong and still running. I say this because Kuwaiti population int he workforce is minimal and although they are trying to change that (trying to get more Kuwaiti's to go to uni and complete their degree so that they can get a job just for name sake really - mostly in the ministry.)
Anyway i think racism is not the worst part about Kuwait, but even bigger than that is being a woman brought up in Kuwait!
Anonymous: wow, kuwait your experience in kuwait wasnt a bright one as i can see. now, not everybody is as bad, its a minority of people who thinks shallowly between the different classes, there IS a lots of good people down here, but the concept were living through, judging people by EVERYTHING is wrong, hopefully this will go away one day.
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