i remember a time where when we used to walk in the malls and at the streets and everything was *normal* on a certain level, what disturbed that image sometimes are when u see a fight, a car accident, a guy stalking a girl *which has became one of Kuwait's Cultures btw* and last but not least, when you see a Homo-sexual people *gay, lesbian, boya..etc u name it*
thats what im gonna talk about today, but you see im not gonna criticise them, even though they DO go against everything i stand for, whether ethically or religiously or morally, u name it. but before criticising them, one must understand why they are who they are
whenever a problem occur, there are always two ways to see it, 1- u see the problem, know about it, Criticise IT, COMPLAIN about it, and finally, ignore it
2- you see a problem, STUDY the problem, examine the problem, and finally look for a SOLUTION for the problem
in a society where everybody knows everything and all they do is complain and ignore, Homo-sexual people are becoming a phenomena over the recent years, u could almost see them anywhere now, 10 years ago it used to be an EVENT to see a homo-sexual in a public place, now its something regular and ordinary to see one because WE ALLOWED IT to happen
now, im not suggesting for you to go and smash their heads whenever you see one, on the contrary, im asking you to ask WHY are they the way they are, unfortunately i have never encountered an HS before, but almost all my friends say that whenever they encounter one and ask them why are you the way you are? are you proud of yourself? what does your family think of you now? they all answer the same thing: their ok with it, and ive always have more FEMININE hormones and genes in my system since i was a baby
thats a pure lie
everybody have feminine hormones and genes, its the choice that we make. now, some of those people *if not most of them* are victims, indeed, victims of a surrounding and an ignorant society, to understand someone, u must always put yourself in thier shoes *this advice applies on women too, see things from her perspective and youl get a healthy relationship, beat that Dr Gray*
1- when their in a public place, they ARE expecting criticism, public attack, humiliation..etc and it is the stubbornness in the human which keep them going
2- some of them dress and look as they should most of the time, but whenever theyr away from their families or the people that they are avoiding in order to keep their image safe, they change into what they want, whether gay, lesbian, boya..etc
3- some have fallen victims to a childhood experience, rape, sexual abuse, molested..etc and in a society where seeing a shrink is considered shameful, nobody knows how to really handle these situation, when something like this happens to a person, you loose all self-respect, all your definition of moral, ethics and principals dies with you and nothing really matters anymore
4- these are the worst, their straight, but they have gay friends, so why not? foga! :s hey? what did u expect from a HABBAH-LOVING people?
theresnt a specific place where the Homo-sexual community hang out, or else i would have walked into there and talked to them myself, asked them one simple question: are you happy with yourself? some are used to the way they are, some are lost in the crowd
i hope one day we see a real change regarding this unfortunate phenomena, im writing this because of 3 reasons
1- it is against everything i stand for
2- this isnt the way we were raised, this is Kuwait godammit!
3- its against all religions, Islam, Christianity..etc
i wonder from where did this phenomena came from, Media? travelling abroad? god knows from where
some might tell me HEY, its a freedom of choice! ok, its cool, but you have a point and i have mine, and will see where the tides will take us.
til next time
Amen! Totally agree
But i wouldn't really go ask them myself, they would beat the crap outta me :P
Soloistah: lol, no worries then :p
HapPy new year there
long time no posts =p
Happy new year to u faith :)
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