what a pathological liar! after nagging and nagging from a a very nagging and stupid fiend FOR YEARS i sat down and ordered both books, a MILLION LITTLE PIECES and MY FRIEND LEONARD by no other, MR im-a-pathological-liar-and-need-your-help(money) JAMES FREY
after reading his MASTERPIECE a million big lies, i knew that this guy was over-reacting, was over-writing- was over-describing, i mean, come on man, do you think people THAT naive and stupid to believe how tough and powerful you are? unfortunately, i didnt knew about the whole scandal and exposing thing, all i know is the book title, and i bought it, read it, hate it, threw it in the trash can, the end :D
i want you to look at his picture here, here where he claim to have beaten and cursed and spat on almost every cop in the station and got beaten til he almost died and spant 87 days in jail, the truth is he was like a little CHIWAWA and spent only 2 hours in prison, and would you just look at that face? aint he a charm?? cotchi-cotchi mama's boy *fucker..*
some say that ITS JUST A BOOK, ok, ive reads tons of books but when you read a MEMOIR thats a different thing, its a BIOGHRAPHY MOTHERFUCKER, get the difference?
so if anyone looking for a free copyof A MILLION LITTLE PIECES or MY FRIEND LEONARD email me and il be glad to (throw them) give em to you, hell i might even pay you to have them :D
til next time
come onnn
its not that bad!
sure its a lie
but never the less its a good story!
i for one loved it
id be more than happy to take my friend leonard of off ur hands :P
Eshda3wa: it is a good story, Ana shakkait feeh at the dentist, ashkara chithb, then I read about the scandal and all and I was like: Afa.....
Anyways, u can have em both if u want :)
6ab3an chithb
no one would yt7amal that much pain ..
i really should start ordering books online
but i really hate internet shopping!
On your bookshelf, I also see 1984. It's a book I think of again and again, when I hear the politicians talk, and their double-speak is all a facade of lies.
eshda3wa: you should, or you can try that bookshop at sharg, q8 books (NOT the one in mothana)
intlxpatr: a salute to you for reading such a complicated and a masterpiece like that book, THE book, 1984
theres a reason why i choose to put those two books here, theyr my favorites and they represent my opinion in many things
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