so he was one of the oldest if not THE oldest god in the world (minus the Chinese religion/Mythology) and so forth, if anyone read the religious books and Greek Mythology would notice the astonishing Resemblance between the two Religions, such as:
1- Christianity's version of god does looks very much similar to Greek's Zeus as we can see in Michealangelo's Celestine chapel

2- whenever Zeus is angry, Earthquakes, Lightning strikes, those are his trademark for his anger
3- in greek mythology, the creation of man was as the following: a mud shaped man that Athena BREATHED life into and man was created
and many other similarities, so my question is; did god send messengers to the Greeks (note that Greek mythology goes thousands of years before Islam, Judaism and Christianity) or is it just a big fat coincidence..?
or we can go with the Christian explanation: Satan did it, he tricked the greeks because he knew that god will send messengers and their message will be the same
if so, then im sure Satan would say:
*pleased to meet you, hope you get my name and the nature of my game*